WILL YOU INVITE NATURE SPIRITS INTO YOUR LIFE? Have we become dangerously disconnected from nature? The imbalance within our earth plane has been somewhat destructive, and we see symptoms of this disconnect everywhere. As guardians of our planetary home much care is needed to sustain the quality of life in our air, and water. The deforestation of our land masses and over mining its resources has impacted the quality of all living things that resides here. As a species, not only have we become disconnected from nature’s rhythms, but we’ve lost sight of the fact that earth is our home.
Author Richard Louv, who coined the phrase ‘nature deficit disorder’ stated that the human cost of “alienation from nature” can be seen in “diminished use of the senses, attention difficulties and higher rates of physical and emotional illnesses”.
So perfectly stated. Overwhelming stress, depression, disconnection, and unsupported feelings alerts us that deep inside of us we know and fell that something is missing. We yearn for something more. A simpler way of life, infused with kindness, gentleness, respect, reverence and meaningful connections.
Developing our spiritual perceptions by raising and expanding our consciousness will create an awareness reawakening our connection with all of Nature and the Elementals. The indigenous cultures have known this. The Elementals are here to support us. They have much knowledge to share and they wait for our call. They are a huge network of support, guidance, healing, inspiration, and love. As you work with the Nature spirits you will realize that the entire universe not only has your back but is a source of practical guidance for you. In my experience, nature spirits are wise, practical, funny, loving, playful, and delighted to co-create with us to serve the planet and all beings who live here. Everything is alive and has consciousness. Nature has its own consciousness, and when we merge with it, we begin to understand its purpose as a life line of support. There is Spirit in all things.
To communicate with our Nature Spirits, know that you are in them and they are in you. You are ONE cohesive unit of energy. Our awareness to the delicate fabric of our Human Nature and the realms of Nature is to live each moment in mindfulness of our thoughts and actions. We all are Creators, Healers, Magicians, God's and Goddesses'. Use your creative energy to communicate with them in your own way that comes natural to you. I will keep repeating this and say that "nothing is wrong or right, it just has to feel right!"
I hope this blog helps you with ideas on how to play within your own explorations of nature spirit connections. Maybe it will plant a seed. Maybe it will confirm something you’ve experienced yourself. Maybe it will open your mind and your heart to try new things.
All the images are credited to Suza Scalora who photographed her journey with Nature Spirits.They are from her published book "The Fairies"