Maria Bethencourt – Incoming Multiple, Transdimensional,(outer and inter), Source Solar and InterGalactic Energies are activating ALL Heart Chakra systems intensely for ALL life on this planet in this Now. These energies are like a neon laser ray incoming directly through the Heart Chakras Of ALL beings and affecting lower and higher Chakras in both directions. At the same time. Frequency Light Upgrades,(FLU), can be extreme depending on chakra blockages. This Electromagnetic radiation is causing very rapid DNA repair to all Organic life on this planet. 1D and 2D are evolving rapidly as well. Heart flutterings, pains, feeling like the Heart is skipping beats, sweating and fever are some of the symptoms. All grids are shifting very quickly now. Source Energy is Divine Intelligence and will affect EVERY chakra system perfectly and exactly as per each soul’s chosen evolutionary decision for ascension, at physical,(chakra system leading to DNA repair), AND spiritual level. This is an organic ascension universe with free will, this is both through ascension and descension. Once this Gateway is anchored into this Now it is available to All Souls when they are ready to receive it. Ascension is eternal, each soul holds a place in this stair step process as we all experience ascension differently. We do not duplicate SACRED life experiences, each soul is sovereign, creates their own reality, some conscious some unconscious,hence inner grids reflect outer grids and vice versa. Technically there are 7.6 billion humans therefore there are 7.6 billion realities or 7.6 earths…mind blowing…hehehe. We are all fractals of Source, and we are returning to Unity Consciousness, to our Heart Source, individually, yet as a Race, a SOUL group. this is ascension, the raising of frequency,of consciousness. Please Remember that Source IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, no soul is ”Left Behind”. This is a fear program that was used by malevolent beings in the 3/4D descension matrix to keep the human race in unconsciousness by the use of malevolent “gods” and fear. Related: The Divine Feminine Energy is Here and Guiding you into alignment with New Earth These malevolent religious programs have been cut and released as the Archonic Descension Timelines can no longer interfere with the spiritual evolution of the human race, and have been separated from ascension timelines. This Directive comes directly from Source. For the 3D(Earth Human),chakra system this Heart Activation is assisting in the healing of the emotional body, causing triggers and instability as what was “thought” to be Truth, is now being seen as “False” Truth. The connects them to the Planetary Akashic records. This in turn affects the outer grids of the 3D as more and more “disclosure” begins to surface, shocking the human collective into awakening. The 3D Earth malevolent agendas are being dismantled and brought to Light, as Global Awakening begins to anchor the Second Stage Of Spiritual Awakening, The Information Stage. Emotions are running high for this group beloveds, we need to Transmute and hold our Love for them, as they begin their personal disclosure. Compassion and staying in the Heart Center is how we hold the space for them as we remember how it was for us. Pull Out All Your spiritual tools Now Beloveds to assist, you ARE the answer to someone’s prayers. Wayshowers experienced extremes so our awakening brothers and sisters would not have to, for the New ”HUEman” race has chosen to ascend with ease and grace. It is a great honor to do this work in service for the Highest Good Of All in Love. NOW is the time to share our spiritual tools and step into service as we bring forth The Light, (Light is information) fully enbeloved in our Love. Love AND Light. We Talk It AND Walk It Now. The First Stage Of Spiritual Awakening is “The Tickle”, when a person feels from within that something is wrong, something is off, but they don’t know what, they are connected to their Heart but their human 7 chakra system is not yet balanced. Related: The Light Has Reached The Earth and Everything is Changing This also begins the connection to individual Akashic records, where past lives are remembered and brought forth for Healing. For as we remember a “past“ life, we heal and bring forth to this Now a fragmented part of our soul, and WITH it comes all the knowledge acquired in that Life. (When I remembered my Atlantean Self, I remembered how to work with Crystal Light Beings, and the Crystalline Grid…) When balanced, this chakra system becomes a connected rainbow and anchors to the 4D(galactic human) grids. Those that are activating and balancing their 4D chakra system are becoming aware of their galactic roots. More personal disclosure of a higher consciousness ability… This can be quite shocking as well, especially when they tap to their galactic family, races that they have been programmed to ”think” are ONLY malevolent. There are beautiful ascended Reptilian and Draconian, (Dragons yes…), races beloveds assisting in this beautiful shift. They have transcended Polarity and are In The Galactic Heart Collective. This 4D Chakra System balances to The High Heart And anchors a higher level of color frequencies into it. Coral, Turquoise, Olive,Lime Green… Once this chakra system balances and clears we step outside of Duality and into 5D. This is the 5D New Neon Chakra System that is ALSO Anchoring Now. The Galactic Love Spin Cycle is amplifying…oh boy…drink water! Lol! For The Forerunners, This system affects our Glands, our synaptic rewiring for Divine GNOSIS, unifies our Galactic Female And Male, And makes us Multidimensional…and more! This allows us to walk in service across all dimensions while being outside of Duality. This is how we anchor all ascension timelines of Heaven On Earth. Remember before your awakening how you would pray to your guardian angels at night?…WE are the Guardian Angels Of All life here now, for in 5d that is how we walk in service. For The Highest Good Of ALL in Love. Doesnt matter what level of consciousness, what dimension… doesn’t matter what chakra system, where, when, how… Related: 11:11 Ascension Gateway Coming Soon! The SOUL Of this Earth has Chosen to Offer this experience of Heaven On Earth without interference to All living beings on this planet. You didn’t “think” prayers never get heard and answered? We are Love, for Love is ALL THERE Is. That is why IT Transcends the illusion of Space and Time, Consciousness and everything else…whatever that might be. It is the only Umbilical to Everything. All prayers get answered, just not as we THINK. Source IS Unconditional Love…Mother Earth has Unified with Father Cosmos. She sings her Love for All and He joins her as One. We are being blasted into remembering this In this trifecta portal, (10/10,11/11,12/12), as solar and galactic Source Energies blast us with Love in The form of Energy waves, seen and unseen. PLEASE pay extra attention to your Furry and NonFurry Soul Family living with you. These Babies are really shifting quickly as you shift and they need EXTRA super deeduper LOVE to help them shift with you. We KNOW This for our Heart tells us So, And Within it is Source. Honor your Body. This Gateway is extreme. You cannot help another unless you have assimilated, integrated and healed yourself. This is the new way now. Pray in whichever way makes you feel joy. And know you are doing everything perfectly, beautifully, and in your own individual way, even if it seems goofy,mentally nuts, crazy or jacked up. You actually don’t have to DO, you just have to BE. THAT is BEing Human, That is why we are so amazing. No Fear, just Love. Onwards and Upwards. Inwards and Out. The only way Out is IN. I send my Love to All. M.😘 COMMENTS 8 Use Facebook to Comment on this Post